Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Call of duty

the scope is about a soldier jose and his dog zenit. Jose is a dog handler zinet is his dog. there job is to search for bombes on the battle filed. one day wile on patrol they found a field of bombs and wile they walked away from the field jose stepped on a bomb and in the blink of an eye his legs were gone and all that jose could think of was zenit ok.

Friday, October 24, 2014

With their eyes summary

The book with their eyes is about a school stayvesant that was right down the block from the world trade center and the schools student were stuck in side and they were all scared. They were forced watched the world trade center fall to the ground knowing they could be killed by rubble from the trade center. There school was an FBI head courtiers so they had to leave and they didn't have school for weeks. When the school was open to students again press interviewed students.

Through out the rest of the book the press is interviewing students and staff some students say  that all they saw was the smoke from the trade center that was engulfed in flames student was dressed up for picture day at the school and he was in class when it happened and the instant the plains his the school was in panic he describes how one of his friends uncle worked at the world trade center and she was crying thinking he was died and all he could do was hug her and tell her its ok.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Character Analysis

Catness - she is strong, smart, good wih a bow and she nows what she must do to end what she started she knows that because of her peeta might be dead her family is at risk of being killed.